Monday, August 06, 2007

Rant #101

Bloody hell. Oh bloody bloody hell!
I can't take this. She..that..that blah! Honestly, if I could, I'd plunge a 10 foot pole into her. Always! She ALWAYS gets EVERYTHING! Its just not bloody fair anymore.

I try to make a conversation, and what does she do?? She freakin goes and starts talking about how close they are! Ok yeah sure I said that I'm over him and I'm ok talking about him...but I didn't expect people to be so damn dumb! For people to actually have believed me is preposterous! CRAZY! INSANE!

Why in the name of Merlin would anyone listen to me? HELLO!..I'm the crazy, psychotic, pathetic dumbo!!

Next time I even come close to starting a conversation about you and him...RUN! HIDE! DISTRACT ME!


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