Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I'm watching Oprah right now. It's about High School and the challenges faced by teens in American schools.
WOW! Is all I can say.
I've always known the problems that go on, but actually seeing it is a whole different story. It saddens me how sterotypical we all are. Did you know that in a few years all of us will have kids and will pass it all on to them. They will be going through the same things. The hurt, the teasing, the bullying, ect. If we don't change ourselves, then we will just be condemning the future people to the same thing. Do any of you really want others to go through the same thing you've been through?
I honestly think that we all need to stop judging and look beyond the labels. Looks should not matter.
I know I've judged others. I've felt bad right after I do it, yet I still do. Perhaps to fit in, make others laugh, or just because it seemed to start a conversation.
I suppose what a lot of us don't understand is that even something which we take to be a joke can hurt others. I know that a lot of jokes have hurt me, even if it was done unknowingly.
So for all of you reading this, let's all try to look beyond the physical and get to actually know a person. Every joke, "look," and rude comment puts more pressure on someone. It makes them want to be better and even a tiny setback could put them in a state of utmost depression. What you are right now, is what you'll be for the rest of your life.
BTW, for any of you who can watch Oprah today, please do. It's really good.

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