Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Sometimes its hard to sort out your thoughts. So difficult to put into words what you're feeling. You want to share, to let it out, but in doing so you need to know your feelings. You need to know yourself in order to let others into your thoughts.

Its like a piece of you that's always changing, hiding, waiting for you to put into words. And by the time you do understand, its gone. And to recapture that feeling, that moment, it almost seems impossible.

Hearing another person phrasing their own feelings and it relating to your own circumstances, it helps you connect. But that rarely happens. Most times, we're left to deal with things ourselves cause most of us have learned that trying to explain it makes no difference.

Letting people in when we know its not right. Pushing others away because you're afriad of what will come out of it. Just some examples of how everything always plays into what you know. What you want, need, how you feel. Asking other people's opinions is an easier way out of things. Usually its not what you would like, its just a way to make life more simple.

Following other people, you know that whatever the result, you can blame them. Yet, when you follow your own advice, and things go wrong, you're left by yourself. Because its times like those that everyone leaves. Not because you want them to, or because they want to, but they leave because you can't relate to them. You can't describe to them what it is that's gone wrong.

Even while writing this, I couldn't exactly describe what I wanted to. I started off with something else, and went into another thing. I guess that's why humans are the most confusing and interesting creatures. We have feelings. Feelings that are unique to each individual. And to explain it, and recapture it for another is the most difficult thing to do.

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