Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tuesdays are so blah. I usually just sleep in class and during lunch, i'm cranky and look and act drunk. Aren't mondays supposed to be blah? But no, not for me. For Alishah, Tuesdays suck!! Woke up, fell back asleep, dreamt that I was awake and getting ready. Then, suddenly mummy comes and yells at me to wake up. For the first 5min i'm all confused. Then I realize that I wasted 5min and hurridly get ready. I always skip breakfast on tuesdays-not that I ever do have breakfast but meh. So then, I go to school, finish up homework I havent done. Go to double science. Sleep in gym/social and "rest" in L.A. Lunch I eat, sleep, go to my next class. Do math, sleep in the next class, and then go to social. The whole day, being tired since I slept most of the day, I act cranky and drunk. When teachers call on me, I have no idea whats going on. God! I hate it when that happens cause everyone starts laughing. :(
Basically, Tuesdays are my sleep-in-class days. Good thing is that I barely ever get homework on tuesdays. woot!!
I got my marks for each class today. Mygod!! I went down soo much in every class. social-84,
Science-83, Math-91, and worse of all...L.A-78. .
So, I have to go to M.E today because mother dearest didn't hand in the summer-school form. Ugh! I bet the first week is all full now!! So i'll have to take phys. ed the last 2 weeks on July.
Ugh!!! I'm back...Apparently mother dearest signed me up for Calm as well. So the whole month of July will be spent at fuckin summer school. fhfgswgbcbngfjtugk. Sooo pissed off.

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