Friday, August 04, 2006

I'm so emotional today...again. I came home and no one was there so I turned on the T.V and decided to watch CNN since there was no one home to yell at me. They were showing scenes from Lebanon and Isreal. I couldn't stop crying. Not only for Lebanese people, but for Isrealis as well. All the blood, the deaths, the destruction of two beautiful cities...I can't even begin to imagine what those people must be going through. And here we are, watching the news and thinking it could never happen here. Some don't even know about the war, or haven't heard of it. I kept seeing Edmonton getting bombed. Seeing Edmontonians die, and my city being destroyed and it broke my heart even more. I think I'm finally starting to understand what having a war means. A few years ago, when 9/11 occured and a war broke out, I ignored it. Thought that it wasn't important because I didn't know anyone in the middle of the war and that it didn't concern me. Now I realize how wrong I was. God! I really wish I could do something. I hate sitting at home and watching the news, crying.
I hate what our world has come to. I thought we were done with all the wars. I suppose not. UGH!
I feel sorry for both Isreal and Lebanon. Both have innocent people dying, homes destroyed and cities being ruined. I wish that they could see what they are really doing-killing the innocent. For once, we need to stop differentiating people by their race and religion. In the end, no matter what religion you follow, you believe in God. And there is only one God...many prophets though. I was taught that religion could solve any problem, but it seems to me that it causes more. Jews and Muslims, the only difference is their perception of each other. Both can love, want peace, and have families they care about. But the other side can't see that-I wish they did, perhaps it would save many lives.
The Italian PM said that the war in the Middle East cannot be resolved without communicating. If he can understand that, why can't others?

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